Irene van Osch produces her music under the name Arrangetto Music Productions

Her compositions for piano solo, quatre-mains, violin with piano and for church organ are in a large variety of styles, ranging from neo and modern classical music to milonga and have been performed by, among others, Antoinette Lammers, Duo Delibes and Henk van Riel. Some music pieces can be heard on this site.

As a pianist Irene performs her piano work also herself.

Besides her compositions she has published a sheet music album of ‘Aan de Amsterdamse Grachten’ with her own arrangements for piano solo as well as four hands. This album is available at Broekmans & Van Poppel and via this site.

Her composition ‘Le Printemps se fait attendre’ has been released on the latest CD ‘Kroonjuwelen’ of pianist Antoinette Lammers. This CD only contains work of female composers, among them Lily and Nadia Boulanger, Fanny Mendelssohn, Cécile Chaminade and Clara Schumann. Available at Velvet Music Donner/Rotterdam. See also ‘How to order’.

Some of the piano pieces Irene plays herself are on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes and other platforms: ‘La Randonnée’, ‘Le Repos’, ‘Le Ruisseau’ and ‘2020’.

See ‘Music’ to listen to it! The titles above can also be heard by clicking on it.

N.b.: ‘Stadsgezichten’ has been performed on the 8th of June by Iddo van der Giessen in the Goede Herderkerk/Rotterdam. A live recording can soon be heard.

‘Danser la Milonga dans le Noir’ for violin and piano was performed by Duo Delibes on the 23rd of Februari 2020, shortly before the lockdown, during a concert in the Fonteinkerk at Rotterdam. The recording was made at Codarts Rotterdam.

‘Glas-in-Lood’, performed by Henk van Riel on the organ of the St. Lambertuskerk in Veghel.

‘2020’, performed by Irene herself, has been published on Spotify! It is the title of a short piece for piano inspired by this memorable year.